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How to Reduce Your Risk for Cervical Cancer

Across the world, cervical cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer affecting women, causing around 350,000 deaths. In the United States, it’s no longer as common a cause of mortality as it used to be because we use Pap smears to detect cervical cell changes, but the disease is still a significant threat.

While the overall rate of cervical cancer in the US is declining, the number of people receiving a late-stage cervical cancer diagnosis is increasing, with rates among Black women being disproportionately high. Research also indicates that many women still aren’t undergoing screening for cervical cancer.

At Wake Family Medicine, our board-certified primary care physician, Dr. Mrinalini Kodumagulla, aims to raise awareness of women’s health and the importance of risk-reduction activities like Pap smears throughout Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.

Here are the most effective ways to avoid cervical cancer and detect it in the earliest stages.

HPV vaccination

Nearly all cervical cancers develop from human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which can also cause cancers of the vagina, vulva, anus, penis, head, and neck.

Vaccination is your best protection against HPV infection and cervical cancer. The vaccine may also offer benefits after exposure to HPV and even when precancerous cervical cell changes occur.

Children can receive the vaccine from age 9. The CDC recommends routine HPV vaccination for children aged 11 or 12 and anyone under 26 who has yet to receive the vaccine. People younger than 15 have two doses, 6-12 months apart. People who start the vaccine series later, after age 15, should get three vaccine doses over six months.

You can still get some protection if you have the vaccine between 27 and 45. If you’re in this age group and haven’t had an HPV vaccination, come and talk to us or make an appointment.

Cervical cancer screening

At Wake Family Medicine, we recommend that cervical cancer screening start at age 18 and continue every 3-5 years, depending on the type of screening you have.

We do a thorough exam to evaluate the vulva, vagina, urethral area, and anal area for anything unusual, then complete a Pap smear. This test involves harvesting cells from your cervix that we send to the lab for analysis. We recommend Pap testing every three years, provided your results are normal.

Women age 30 or over can consider Pap testing every five years if they have an HPV test at the same time. Knowing whether you have a form of HPV that means you’re at high risk of cervical cancer allows us to decide whether you need monitoring or further testing.

We may recommend a different screening schedule depending on your risk factors and history of screening results. For example, someone with high-risk factors might require more frequent screening.

Stopping cervical cancer screening

You should continue screening following menopause, particularly if you have any bleeding. At 65, if you’ve had normal Pap test results for quite some time, we can discuss discontinuing the tests. However, 20% of cervical cancer happens in women over 65, so speak to us first.

Most people no longer need cervical cancer screening following a hysterectomy that removes the cervix. However, if you undergo this procedure, check with us because you might need a vaginal Pap smear.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that anyone with a history of cervical cancer or significant cervical changes should continue screening for 20 years after surgery.

Healthy living’s role in cervical cancer prevention

There’s nothing you can do about some cervical cancer risk factors, such as having a family history of the disease. However, you can help yourself by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Quitting smoking is probably the most vital step, but improving your diet, managing stress, losing weight, regular exercise, and practicing safe sex can all help reduce your chances of developing cancer.

If your Pap smear is overdue or you haven’t had the HPV vaccine, don’t put it off any longer. Call Wake Family Medicine in Cary, North Carolina, during Cervical Cancer Awareness Month to find out what you need and arrange an appointment. Alternatively, book online or message us via our contact form.

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